Troubled by the virgin birth? Question resurrection?
Is IT just a “Then ‘n now?”
Our “Time on Earth’s” as Hell
Not knowing, “Why or how.”
What of Evolution? Think of that!
Argued Faith; the world was flat!
Our sun sent us ‘a spinning, inorganic to the core,
Unimaginable time for so much more!
Hardly seven days…and He resting!
Decades? Centuries? Eons testing?
Torn ‘tween human sin in nature’s blessing,
The cruel powers in survival stressing.
“Left to ponder time and space,” Einstein said,
“IT’s relative! The truth’s creative.”
Without logic to deny,
“I trusted God to answer, why?”
So, must we rely on Him to solve no little whim?”
Our spirit comes and goes like His, no body to be found,
In three key words, IT is in us
As we are bound, a priceless stimulus!
How, when at Pentecost came He back
To let us know in “tongues of fire,”
Meant He to spirit us, or so deems,
“The Old to See Visions and Young to Dream Dreams.”
So in dream and vision others seem to us
And we to them, as life goes by!
What’s left when we decide?
There only: Mind, Heart, Soul abide!
IT’s what remains, what’s left mere dust.
As ways of flesh depart;
The rest lives on in dreams;
IT’s Retrospect; ‘tis IT to trust!
“What matter this?” you ask.
They lie in bliss or sorrow?
Sensed in sleep…like that,
We have IT all the time.
Not knowing how eternal we
God meant our life to be
We have what we deserve
Yet what of retribution?
That solution
Far from what we scheme
IT’s only what we glean.
The side of us for glowing!
IT may seem to some a lie
‘Cause IT’s not “Faith by definition.”
Not, “Believing without proof
The most unlikely proposition.”
Instinctive Faith, Wise Tolerance as such
IT, ‘tween beligerant believers,
Can do much to Quell
Survival Instincts and Human Nature’s spell.
IT has lessened those two faults
In Human Natural regards
Based on Love of God from His Creation
Inspiring more loving neighborly relation,
There by far sufficiently to show
What Love can do when added Faithfully
To Wisdom’s laws and Human Disciplines
And all required to take part therein
“Utopian,” you say, in deep chagrin?
No better model than created
In the logic of His way
All Faiths with Infinite Wisdom to obey.
Blessed Few Learned, so Many Calmed, and a Place for those ignored
Will fine IT in their way of life
That’s Free; IT-voted on between the “L’s & C’s”
In peaceful turmoil of Independent rivalries.
IT makes possible what God intended;
For us all, and not surprising
Atheists too, all faiths believing,
A universal civilizing.
He did far more than “Enter and Depart.”
To prove IT so, like some do only in deep sleep;
He lived IT in His way to show
Where all of us can make IT “Keep.”
Our fate’s not sealed;
Our time’s not lapsed;
Said how we can be better or much worse;
His truth’s like that.
He came and went, so much like we,
So human He; to be the same,
Half man, half saint?
Trust what IT means, you’ll see.
Not just in dreaming, so may we;
“All families of Earth be blessed
In posterity; to them and those so led,
That turn away from wickedness!”
Ah, “Five thousand witnesses confessed.
A stone which was rejected deemed
The corner’s head,” and so IT is
For us to struggle with.
Then, as we acquaint ourselves once more,
Like IT of yesteryear, though such proof abounds;
We needlessly like Saul, as Stephen spoke,
“Was stoned;” hold coat and tongue consenting.
IT takes us back when thus we question,
To wondering how such shallow thoughts abide?
Meek answers to His prods,
About His many rooms up there…Inside?
So easily believe there’s one for us,
He’s such a loving God;
But few deserving, question that?
The Bible tells us so.
Careful how you read this matter!
In IT’s midst such chatter? Or, as a way to know,
So basic to your faith!
What’s in IT tells you so?
Don’t guess; “IT’s just what we deserve.”
No better story to describe; a parable:
“A wedding feast with all invited
Was ignored with none delighted.”
A simple explanation; left to chance?
No! How else can we explain? IT is warning!
“Many called, yet so few chosen!”
The Truth of IT, is missed in not supposing!
So, I ask, “How read you this matter
Basic to the few He chose?”
What’s in IT quells such chatter,
Explains, “How and Why that thief arose.”
The secret is in being ready,
“Those not dressed were turned aside,”
IT’s up to us, not Him, the choice!
We need to listen to that voice.
IT comes so close, to be as we,
“Forgiven from the cross,” You see?
Don’t go your way or wait that long,
For paradise to be, enjoy, belong!!
IT be Here the same as There!
Yet we go on imagining, some miss the point.
Don’t wake, look up across that bar,
To find, too late, IT’s then too far.
The TRUTH in IT we hardly “Keep”
Except in hallowed halls where Wisdom’s dust abides
Lives on in every Tear-filled Faith and Wisdom Proclamation
Judging the validity by what we trust from our Creation.
Or Fail to “KEEP” and “Emulate” from every noble thought and saint like act
Believing those which do are different from the rest
When IT’s the way! IT teaches by ITself;
Instinctive Tolerance provides the grace for what is best!
However, IT requires what I and T contribute to the way
Noting differences between what well-held beliefs confess
There is much to TRUTH essential to true happiness
This knowing when IT’s absence wins the day
IT would be more meaningful to all if taught
And witnessed to in laws to which such sense is brought
That rich and poor believe when used to win and lose
Feeds both, achieves what both agree to choose.
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